I guess I did make some updates to that version that actully broke the 
Simultaneous-Use := 1 that I needed.  Below is the current version, where i 
reinstated the default sechema.  I think the heart of the problem is the fact 
that below is just one connection(that created two entries), then I 
disconnected.  It only updates acctstoptime in one of the entries.  

mysql> select * from radacct;
| radacctid | acctsessionid  | acctuniqueid     | username        | groupname | 
realm | nasipaddress | nasportid | nasporttype | acctstarttime       | 
acctstoptime        | acctsessiontime | acctauthentic | connectinfo_start | 
connectinfo_stop | acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets | calledstationid | 
callingstationid | acctterminatecause | servicetype | framedprotocol | 
framedipaddress | acctstartdelay | acctstopdelay | xascendsessionsvrkey |
|         1 | 4F3C899014E700 | c72b782da444ddad | u...@domain.com |           
|       |  | 0         | Async       | 2012-02-16 05:44:00 | 
NULL                |               0 | RADIUS        |                   
|                  |               0 |                0 |                 |    |                    | Framed-User | PPP            |      |              0 |             0 |                      |
|         2 | 4F3C899014E701 | 3a28576fec37b3cd | u...@domain.com |           
|       |  | 0         | Async       | 2012-02-16 05:44:00 | 
2012-02-16 05:44:02 |               2 | RADIUS        |                   
|                  |             792 |                0 |                 |    | User-Request       | Framed-User | PPP            |      |              0 |             0 |                      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

----- Original Message -----
From: Fajar A. Nugraha <l...@fajar.net>
To: Ski Mountain <ski_the_mount...@yahoo.com>
Cc: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: duplicate radacct entries

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Ski Mountain
<ski_the_mount...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I did not modify the default schema.

are you REALLY sure? the default sql schema does NOT have a last
update column :)

> I am just using the radius client that is in debian in order to authenicate 
> pptp clients. Everything is on the same server so it is not a issue with 
> packets being lost.

then most likely something's wrong with the NAS configuration

> i   
> radiusclient1                                                                 
> - /bin/login replacement which uses the RADIUS protocol for authentication
> I do blame the nas and have cursed at pptp quite a bit, not I just want the 
> dam thing to only send one radacct packet.

I have setup poptop and openvpn setup which can send acct packets just fine.

As usual, if you're still having problems, ask an expert to help you.


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