On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Peter Moreton <peter.more...@cbi.org.uk> wrote:
> I have a working RADIUS server, "RADIUS01" running Centos/Freeradius. 
> Freeradius is configured to store username and PIN-style passwords in MySQL. 
> To go live with our RADIUS implementation, I have been tasked with making the 
> selection of PIN's a self-service process. I'm considering an email-based 
> approach where u...@foobar.org.uk can email p...@foobar.org.uk in order to 
> achieve PIN maintenance. (I understand the risk of email header spoofing).


But why not simply create a simple web page, possibly even as a
captive portal? It's much easier that way, plus it's real-time and you
have no risk of email missing (e.g. due to spam filters, etc).

> Since I don't know Linux terribly well, I'm asking the group if my proposal 
> is a sensible approach? Am I re-inventing any wheels? Should I consider an 
> alternative method?

It's not really linux-specific.

> Thanks
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> My brief spec:
> RADIUS01 would be extended to use SENDMAIL and some Perl or similar 
> processing to monitor a predefined email account such as p...@foobar.org.uk

Why? When will you want radius to send email? During a failed auth?
IMHO that's a terrible design, and could easily lead to mail floods.

Again, it's easier to just use webpage. You seem to have a perception
that the DB can only be modified by radius. It's not. You can have
whatever process you want managing the db, and have FR simply reads
from it.

> The Sendmail/Perl script would make calls such as:
>  Mysql -u root -p

That line REALLY show your newbie-ness.

>  <MySQL Password>
>  Use radsql
>  INSERT INTO radcheck (username, attribute, op, value) VALUES 
> ('janedoe','Cleartext-Password',':=','password');
>  INSERT INTO radusergroup VALUES ('janedoe','dynamic',1);

Ever heard of sql functions in scripts? e.g.
http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.mysqli.php or
http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-mysql/lib/DBD/mysql.pm ?

Looking at your post, I REALLY suggest you hire an expert instead.
Either that, or spend lots of time (e.g. several weeks) to learn and
have some trial-and-error.


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