
On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 05:09:18PM +0100, Rui Ribeiro wrote:
> I am having some problems with freeradius 2.1.12 and eduroam;
> whilst the local users are authenticated properly and given a
> specific VLAN, I havenĀ“t been able to do the same to roaming
> (proxied) users.
> I have tried to place the following unlang code at the end of
> post-proxy, and in another separate test, at the end of
> post-auth, without much success.

> if ( Realm != "myreal" ) {

Assuming Realm is set correctly, you probably want

  if ( "%{Realm}" != "myreal" ) {
         update reply {
           Tunnel-Type := VLAN
           Tunnel-Medium-Type := IEEE-802
           Tunnel-Private-Group-Id := 216

> Any hints of fellow eduroamers?

In our outer (default) post-auth, I do something like (this is simplified
slightly from what we actually run):

  update reply {
    Tunnel-Type := 13
    Tunnel-Medium-Type := 6

  switch "%{Stripped-User-Realm}" {

    # These realms are local users
    case 'leicester.ac.uk' {
      update reply {
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id := <local eduroam users vlan>
    case 'le.ac.uk' {
      update reply {
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id := <local eduroam users vlan>

    # Case for other realm - put on to visitors VLAN
    case {
      update reply {
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id := <eduroam visitor vlan>

(I set Stripped-User-Realm earlier with unlang.)


Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Architect (UNIX and Networks), Network Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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