On 4/19/12 3:31 PM, "alan buxey" <a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk> wrote:

>> I have read what you mentioned, still can't figure it out, I guess the
>> important part in the debug is:
>> ERROR: No Authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request:
>> the user
>yes but we arent mind readers.....the question will be 'why is no auth
>type found?'
>and the answer will be in your debug logs.....for some reason you are not
>those to the list...so we are playing 'guess in the dark' - if you want
>help, then help us
>List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Hi Alan, and thanks for your reply, I don't want to paste the output here
coz its large, should I attach it or paste here anyways or??


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