Roberto Franceschetti wrote:
> I'm having some issues authenticating iOS clients (with FreeRADIUS v2.1.10 
> installed on a Ubuntu server) with EAP-TLS when the username contains a 
> domain name in the form of Domain\Username (the account is in Active 
> Directory).
> I think the issue is caused by the fact that the final Access-Accept reply 
> has the backslash after the domain name escaped, so that the output looks 
> like this:
> Sending Access-Accept of id 171 to port 32769
>         User-Name = "ocg\\cmctrf3"
> instead of containing the original, un-escaped domain\username:
> Sending Access-Accept of id 171 to port 32769
>         User-Name = "ocg\cmctrf3"


  The escaping is done when the string is *printed*.  It sends just one
'\' in the Access-Accept.  Use wireshark to check.

> Mine is just a theory, but I cannot verify it until I figure out how to have 
> the un-escaped ocg\cmctrf3 string being sent in the output instead of the 
> current escaped one. So my question is "how do I cause the User-Name to be 
> send un-escaped? Do I make a change in the clients.con file...? The eap.conf 
> file...? If so, under which section and where..? Sorry for what may look like 
> a dumb question, but I could not find this mentioned anywhere else.

  You don't "unescape" anything.  The server sends the correct
User-Name.  It Does the Right Thing.

> As a side-note, if I omit the domain name in the iOS device and just login 
> with the username "cmctrf3" for example, the iPhones/iPads are able to login 
> without problems. The issue only occurs when the domain name appears before 
> escaped. All other devices (Windows and Mac desktops) seem to be able to get 
> past that escaped sequence without problems.

  So the issue is the domain name.  NOT the escaping.  You THINK it's
the escaping, but you're not really sure.

> Below is a blurb showing the debug output. I do see the un-escaped 
> ocg\cmctrf3 being logged,

  No.  That's a debug message, which isn't logging, and doesn't affect

> Login OK: [ocg\\cmctrf3] (from client port 29 cli 
> f0-cb-a1-2b-61-4d)
> # Executing section post-auth from file /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
> +- entering group post-auth {...}
> ++[exec] returns noop
> } # server lwap-clients
> Sending Access-Accept of id 171 to port 32769
>         MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 
> 0x15c9ba070e3579e43c54314c24e7e09f4753c779e4e013b4bbd080a2cab4bbb2
>         MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 
> 0x4f27c90c8fdf27be122e70c2c4d82bebd65797dafebe2ebb4ca91bedfd244cb5
>         EAP-Message = 0x030a0004
>         Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
>         User-Name = "ocg\\cmctrf3"

  Well... if the server is sending Access-Accept and the user doesn't
get online... nothing is going wrong with FreeRADIUS.

  Alan DeKok.
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