
we have a Cisco C3750E switch stack which had a previous version of
IOS on it, 12.2 or so....

I recently performed an upgrade to the latest version that Cisco
offer: 15.0(1)SE2 however, after the upgrade took place the phones
started loosing connectivity.

It seems that the correct VLAN wasn't beeing assigned to the MAC
addresses of the phones and therefor the phones acquiring the business
vlan and hence the ports getting blocked.

I will perform a wireshark and tcpdump packet capture this evening in
order to try to debug more clearly what is going on between the
devices however, in the mean time I was wondering if there was some
sort of interoperability quircks between newer Cisco IOS releases and

Unfortunately I can't give the version of FreeRADIUS being used as I
didn't set it up initially and hence the software is not within the
package database of the Linux box it's running on; however if there is
a command I could use from one of the FreeRADIUS binaries I am happy
to provide the information.

Can anyone suggest anything?


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