
Simple question here :

I have an LDAP xlat query to populate the Ldap-Group attribute in order to do crazy stuff with the group membership (out of scope to explain you what kind of crazy stuff). The issue I have is that the query may return multiple group membership lines.

update request {
Ldap-Group += "%{ldap:ldap:///dc=inverse,dc=local?memberOf?sub?sAMAccountName=%u}";

My question is, how can the Ldap-Group be listed for each result the query return? ie.
Ldap-Group = "cn=group1,dc=inverse,dc=local"
Ldap-Group = "cn=group2,dc=inverse,dc=local"

Right now, the Ldap-Group will only contain the first group of the list.


Francois Gaudreault, ing. jr
fgaudrea...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.447.4918 (x130) ::  www.inverse.ca
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