I recently set up a banned mac address database to reject authentication
from proved compromised clients.

I'd like to have a significant record in freeradius logfile for
connection debugging reasons.

Ways I use to implement this results in ambiguous "Invalid user" or
"Login incorrect" misleading messages in radius.log .

Users are in effect valid and correct, but their equipment is not.

Does anybody know how this scenario can be improved?


Relevant lines of default virtual server authorize section are:

authorize {
  if ( "%{Calling-Station-Id}" =~ /([a-fA-F0-9]{2}.?){6}/ && "%{sql:
SELECT 1 FROM callingstidbanlist WHERE mac='%{Calling-Station-Id}'}" ==
1  ) {
    update reply {
      # Select ban reason from radgroupreply Port-Message attribute
related to the ban group
      Reply-Message := "Access forbidden from this terminal ( %{sql:
SELECT value FROM radgroupreply  WHERE attribute = 'Port-Message' AND
groupname IN (SELECT bangroup FROM callingstidbanlist WHERE mac =
'%{Calling-Station-Id}' ) ; } ) ."
    #update control {
    #       Auth-Type := Reject
    # Line in radius.log:
    # Auth: Login incorrect: [myusername] (from client wall1-wigate1
port 122 cli 00-1C-CC-C3-C7-1A)

    # Line in radius.log:
    # Auth: Invalid user: [myusername] (from client wall1-wigate1 port
122 cli 00-1C-CC-C3-C7-1A)

   Daniele ALBRIZIO - albri...@univ.trieste.it
           Tel. +39-040.558.3319
    UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE - Network Services
Divisione V - Infrastrutture e Servizi Informativi
  via Alfonso Valerio, 12 I-34127 Trieste, Italy
Sezione Infrastrutture Informatiche e Telematiche
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