Benjamin Malynovytch wrote:
> I read tons of threads where Alan DeKok kept repeating to read his
> website, as well as using default configuration which is know to work.
> I also read that those EAP sessions not finishing where only due to
> certs problems or fragmentation.
> Certs are fine, fragmentation should be ok.

  There's an EAP-TLS Howtow on the main freeradius site.  It's also
pointed to from the wiki.  Follow it, and it *will* work.

> I completely started the AP's configuration again, from factory
> defaults, not using the backup, only setting the strict minimum
> (WPA2-Enterprise, shared key, radius IP), the remaining parameters being
> left to default values.
> I still have no clue on what is going wrong.

  The problem is that no one *else* has a clue about it either.

  When I set systems up, I follow the instructions from the guide.
Doing anything else means it likely won't work.

  Alan DeKok.
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