Andrei Petru Mura wrote:
> Now in my database. I have in "radcheck" table two rows: 
>    id  |     username      |     attribute            | op |   value    
> -----+------------------------+----------------------------+----+------------
>  167 | test1                 | Password              | := | test1

  Please fix that.  Really.  It's been ~6 years that "Password :=" has
been *documented* as being wrong.

  See the FAQ.

>  168 | test1                 | Max-Daily-Session | := | 60
> The problem is that every time when I authenticate for the first time
> per hour (because the sqlcounter is resetted hourly), with username
> test1, I can access the services given by freeradius an unlimited time.

  Blame the NAS.

> The sqlcounter is ebanled only if after I log in first time, log out and
> log in again. If I exceed the time specified in the radcheck table in
> the first log in, at the second login (in the same hour), I cannot login
> again due to the sqlcounter that says that the time is up.
> Question: can anyone help me how to put the right settings in database
> or FR' files so that the sqlcounter module will work from the first login?

  Read the debug output.  If the correct Session-Timeout is being
returned, blame the NAS.

  As *always* read the debug output.  We really can't say that enough.
Perhaps putting that in the "you have subscribed" notice to the list
would make a difference?

  Alan DeKok.
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