Malla reddy Sama wrote:
>>  Yes.  Look at the contents of the packets... write regular expressions
>>  to split the ranges.
>  > FreeRADIUS can do just about anything. 
> I not get your point Alan. What you means by range..? could you explain ..?

  <sigh>  The message I replied to talked about IMSI ranges.

> The db1 and db2 are in different location and operated by different
> people (include accounting and user data). db1 data doesn't have access
> to db2 person and vice versa. This databases are connected to single
> radius server. Any poosiblity of this sloution.?

  Can the FreeRADIUS machine access both databases over the network?  If
so, yes, it will work.

  The server doesn't care who's operating the databases.

> db1 and db2 have to stored accounting because db1 and db2 are in
> different location and db1 db2 are operated by different persons.

  The server doesn't care where the databases are, or who's operating them.

> Different users in db1 and bd2. 

  The whole point of two databases is to have different content.

> I not understanding how it is possible with radius becuase when
> authentication request from NAS, which db the radius server contact to
> get the user information..? Any possibility the radius server send
> request to two db at same, If so how..? 


  You pick the database to use based on the incoming IMSI.

  It's not hard.  Look at the incoming packets.  Decide which ones use
db1, and which ones use db2.  Look for *differences* in the packets.
Use those differences to write "unlang" to select different databases.

  Alan DeKok.
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