Zach Simpson wrote:
> What I'm having issues with is creating user file rules for each group of
> devices.  I have a few rules in the users file that look like this:
> DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "Switch Admins"
>       Reply-Message = "Welcome Switch Admin!"
> DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "Router Admins"
>       Reply-Message = "Welcome Router Admin!"
> But the issue is that if a user is a member of both groups, it stops at the
> first match.

  You can use "Fall-Through" to have it continue processing the file.
See the rest of the comments / examples in the "users" file, and "man

> Is there a way to specify a specific "users" file for each entry in the
> "Clients" file?  I'm thinking that to do this I will need to setup a virtual
> server for each client group, but I'm not finding much in the ways of sample
> configurations that let me specify the "users" file as well.

  In the latest version of the server, see raddb/modules/files

  Alan DeKok.

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