On 19 Sep 2012, at 12:12, ramakrishna <mramakrishnapra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi 
> I am using freeRADIUS 2.1.12 and i am facing one problem with the load of 
> Requests coming from RADIUS client.
> I see the error "WARNING: Child is hung for request xxx in component <core> 
> module <queue>" in radius.log file. Please find the radiusd.conf 
> configuration i am using. Please suggest how to get rid of the error. 
> max_request_time = 5
> cleanup_delay = 5
> max_requests = 1024
> thread pool {
>         start_servers = 3
>         max_servers = 32
>            min_spare_servers = 3
>         max_spare_servers = 10
> #       max_queue_size = 65536
>         max_requests_per_server = 0
> }
> I have run the server in debug mode but i cudnt find any logs related the 
> above problem.
> Please lemme know whats going wrong. Please lemme know if u need any more 
> configuration or logs.

When server is in this state:

echo 'thread apply all bt full' > /tmp/gdb_cmd; gdb --pid `cat 
/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid` -batch -x /tmp/gdb_cmd > gdb_bt;  gzip gdb_bt

Post gdb_bt to the list.

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