On 20/09/12 14:43, Mohsen Saeedi wrote:
I'm using chillispot with freeradius. i wrote a perl module for user
traffic accounting with freeradius sql module to limit users total
traffic at the month or at the week. i defined a few attribute fot this
purpose. and the question is :
I need to enable a free traffic for all user at the specific time. for
example from 22:00 to 06:00. how can i enable it for our users? we don't
want to calculate this free traffic in the user total traffic and it
should free at the specific time.

This isn't easy. RADIUS accounting packets contain the *total* amount of traffic up until that point, so you'll need to do some work.

Basically, for each accounting packet you'll have to subtract the *previous* packets byte values. Then during your "free" period, do nothing, and during your "charged" period, add the delta to the users quota usage.

It won't be exact - you can't control the arrival time of accounting packets, only suggest an interval, so you might count a few minutes either side of when you want.

It will be quite a bit of work, and you'll need to be familiar with SQL (or whatever you store your accounting) as well as FreeRADIUS.
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