On Wed, 3 Oct 2012, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

At times like this it's handy if you pasted the WHOLE output of
radiusd -X. Among others, it will show whether it reads the correct
file. Usually you edit one file while FR loads the other.

Interestingly enough when I run radiusd -X it loads perfectly then any time I run radiusd normally it works as well... But if I change the name of a sqlcounter instance and run radiusd normally it will error until radiusd -X is run again.... Very strange!!!

I spend all last night testing this and it seams I was always doign the right thing config wise it was just radiusd didn't read all the config files until it was run with the debug -X argument once.

If anyone can replicate this it might be a bug or it could just be a bug in my compile.

Thanks everyone!
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