On 11/10/12 16:23, Hocine M wrote:

First apologize my english, j'm french.

No problem.

i don't use the default virtual server, i only use one
file....l3_wifi_peap (where i use sql_auth for auth and sql_acct for

Your config is broken:

+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EA
++[eap] returns noop
[sql_auth]     expand: %{User-Name} -> alan....@test.fr
[sql_auth] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'alan....@test.fr'
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Reserving sql socket id: 4
[sql_auth]     expand: SELECT uid, mail, 'NT-Password' AS attribute,
NTPassword, '==' AS op       FROM dsi_radius       WHERE mail =
'%{SQL-User-Name}'       ORDER BY uid -> SELECT uid, mail, 'NT-Password'
AS attribute, NTPassword, '==' AS op       FROM dsi_radius       WHERE
mail = 'alan....@test.fr'       ORDER BY uid
rlm_sql (sql_auth): Released sql socket id: 4
[sql_auth] User alan....@test.fr not found
++[sql_auth] returns notfound
ERROR: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request:
Rejecting the user
Failed to authenticate the user.

You have edited the default config and broken it.

Go back to the default config and start again. Make small changes, testing at each step. Use version control to save each working config.

Also - this request is not EAP. You are not testing EAP.

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