Marius Booysen wrote:
> I have a requirement to deploy Freeradius to handle about 2M
> customers and of course I need to set up my environment
> optimally. I am aiming for about 1500 auths or accounting
> requests per second.

  That should be fine.

> 1.) Can Freeradius achieve that? Reading the performance
> blurb suggests it can?

  I've run it at 40K packets/s for days straight.

> 2.) In order to achieve that, I guess it would be best to
> split auth and accounting to different servers? Agree?


> 3.) What is the optimal way to use the users file? As a
> gdbm/dbm data file or plain text file or something else?

  Wow.  For 2M users?  Don't use the "users" file.  Use a real DB.

  Though I have tested the users file with many millions of users.  It
uses a lot of memory, but it works.  The server puts the entries into a
hash table internally.  So it has the same performance for 1 user, or 2M

> 4.) Any other advice would be appreciated!

  Do lots of tests.

  Alan DeKok.
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