Brian Candler wrote:
>  Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
> /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[20]: Failed to find "mymodule" in the 
> "modules" section.

  You can't over-ride the return codes of policies.  You can only do
this for real modules.

> Is configurable failover not available for user-defined modules?  (If so, I
> couldn't find this in doc/configurable_failover.rst )

  See "man unlang".  It might be there.

> What I'm actually trying to do is run a user-defined module up to 20 times,
> but stop after the first return of 'notfound' - without making a horrible
> 20-deep nested if statement.  It's not important to do it this way, but I
> was surprised I couldn't.

  I'd just nest it 20 times.  Or, use a Perl script.

  Alan DeKok.
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