I have an issue with rlm_perl changing the request User-Name attribute but the 
proxy request not honoring it. First I'll describe what I'm trying to 
accomplish and why and then what I'm doing. I'm running a branch of 2.2.1 that 
has some krb5 realm fixes in it.

I have multiple realms that users can authenticate against: our division has 
replayable password (handled by kerberos) and one time passwords (handled by 
both YubiKeys and Crypto Card), our lab has replayable passwords (handled by 
AD) and a separate one time password system (handled by Crypto Card). For 
services that we want to allow replayable passwords (like IMAP access for 
instance), we want to allow the user to choose which service to use (division 
or lab). For services requiring OTP we want the user to choose which OTP token 
they want to use (some people have multiple because of external requirements). 
We want users to be able to change these auth preferences on their own and not 
have this require changing the RADIUS configuration (a.k.a., the users file) to 
do this. Our account information is kept in LDAP.

This is all well and good except that usernames between the division and the 
lab aren't guaranteed to match - User A might have lastname as their division 
name, but lastnamefirst as their lab username. For the kerberos and AD request 
the RADIUS server can handle the request directly using rlm_krb5, but for all 
the OTP requests the server must proxy to the correct OTP server to handle the 

Here's my plan for accomplishing this.

During authorization, rlm_ldap is used to make sure if the user is in LDAP. If 
not the request is rejected outright (this should help with brute force 
attempts bogging down all the servers for bogus attempts). Next an rlm_perl 
module is called to get the user's preferred realm and what username to use in 
that realm from LDAP. An example would be leggett@ yubi.division.example.com 
(signifying that I want to use YubiKey from my division). The rlm_perl module 
updates the request User-Name to be this preference and Auth-Type to be System 
(see http://pastie.org/5670077). Lastly rlm_realm checks the request to 
determine if it should be proxied or not. The problem is this: Everything works 
if the username doesn't change. For instance, if I'm 
legg...@yubi.division.example.com and legg...@crypto.example.com, things work. 
The User-Name change being done by rlm_perl is being recognized by rlm_realm 
and rlm_realm is routing to the proper realm; however, rlm_realm seems to want 
to clobbe!
 r User-Name in its own way, so that by the time proxying happens User-Name is 
set to whatever the initial username was - if I started the process as leggett 
and wanted my username to eventually be ti.legg...@crypto.example.com, by the 
time it reaches the proxy phase my User-Name attribute has been reset back to 
leggett even if I rerun the rlm_perl module after rlm_realm (see 

I notice that rlm_suffix doesn't overwrite the Stripped-User-Name rlm_perl 
adds, but appends another entry. This is fine for my purposes since the 
rlm_perl one is added first subsequent calls use that value. I'm afraid the 
same is happening with User-Name in that rlm_perl is appending another entry 
instead of overwriting the ones there.

So is there any way around this or am I completely insane with this approach?
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