Beeblebrox wrote:
> Keeping in mind that the system in question is an OpenWRT (hence
> minimal install):

  The web site contains documentation.  As does the wiki.  The
distribution "tar" file contains documentation.

  You're not stuck with just a minimal install on a constrained box.

> But this is not possible since a router environment is not suitable
> for git + building things. 

  You can run the scripts on another machine, and copy the certificates
over to the constrained machine.

> But more importantly:
>> The incoming request doesn't use certificate authentication
> So that means the certificate business is not of immediate relevance
> to my problem? Good to hear!

  Well, no.  The debug log you posted doesn't use certificates.  Hence
my question about where it came from.

>> 1) what client did you use to send the Access-Request?
> ssh into box and:
> echo "User-Name = steve, User-Password = testing" | radcli
> ent -x auth mysecret

  So... it's a test request with a test user and test password.  It's
not a real request from a client.

  Did you configure the user on the radius server?  i.e. how does the
RADIUS server know how to authenticate the user?

>> 3) Why did you send the Access-Request?
> To debug freeradius config since wifi connection attempt fails with
> very little info.

  That is the point of running the server in debugging mode.  Do a WiFi
connection, and read the debug output for *that*.

>> The whole point of running in debugging mode is to READ IT
> I read the output several times before posting - nothing out of the
> ordinary and all modules are loaded smoothly.

  Messages like "No known good password" don't mean anything?

> Also, no debug info in
> /var/log/radius.log - not even when I increase log-level in
> /etc/freeradius2/radiusd.conf.

  The normal log file is for normal logs.  It's not for debug output.

> config file snippets:
> users:
>        steve   Cleartext-Password := "testing"

  Well... the debug output shows that the "files" module (which handles
the users file) returned "noop".  i.e. it didn't find that entry.

  Please read the FAQ about debugging authentication.  It gives
examples, and detailed instructions.

  Alan DeKok.
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