>   Read RFC 4186.  Those fields are required for EAP-SIM to work.
>> If it common, I think it\\\'ll be great if FreeRadius can adjut to this.
>> but if it un-common, I think I\\\'ll need to find new device.
>   Some device manufacturers don\'t bother reading the specifications.
> You should ask for your money back.  Or, throw the devices in the garbage.
Dear Alan and All

My Apologize.
I think all the needed data is there.
I Just need to use some kind of SIM-Reader and software like AGSM to find
all the data and put it in my user db

Just for ref :

++ Page/slide #23 of http://agsm.sourceforge.net/talk/EAP-SIM.ppt
And the screenshoot at

I Really appreciate your help

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