
We have tried with patch provided.

Here is the Debug log form old (master 2.2.0) and new (latest 2.x.x branch 

Old one: Here the tls state machine goes from Access-Request to 
Access-Challenge and then to Access-Accepted

And New one: Here the tls state machine goes from Access-Request to 
Access-Rejected and then ends with segmentation fault

Note: configuration of Client and Switch remains the same in both cases.

What could have gone wrong??


Old one:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1645, id=3, length=1020

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: # Executing group from file 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] EAP/tls

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] processing type tls

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] Authenticate

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] processing EAP-TLS

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] eaptls_verify returned 7

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] Done initial handshake

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 05f6], 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] chain-depth=1,

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] error=0

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> User-Name =

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> BUF-Name = MACsec Test CA

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> subject = /C=FI/O=SafeNet, 
Inc./CN=MACsec Test CA

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> issuer  = /C=FI/O=SafeNet, 
Inc./CN=MACsec Test CA

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> verify return:1

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] chain-depth=0,

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] error=0

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> User-Name =

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> BUF-Name = test user 2

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] --> verify return:1

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client 
certificate A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0086], 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client key 
exchange A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0086], 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read certificate 
verify A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] <<< TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read finished A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] >>> TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write change 
cipher spec A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write finished A

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls]     (other): SSL negotiation finished 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Debug: SSL Connection Established

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] eaptls_process returned 13

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled

Sending Access-Challenge of id 3 to port 1645

      EAP-Message = 

      Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

      State = 0x1bc2fd5d1fcef0fc7198dd89ed915160

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: Finished request 4.

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Debug: Going to the next request

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Debug: Waking up in 4.8 seconds.

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1645, id=4, length=191

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: # Executing section authorize from file 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[digest] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [suffix] Looking up realm "" for 
User-Name = ""

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [suffix] No such realm ""

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 12 length 6

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going 
EAP conversation

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[files] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[pap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: # Executing group from file 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] EAP/tls

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] processing type tls

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] Authenticate

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] processing EAP-TLS

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] Received TLS ACK

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] ACK handshake is finished

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] eaptls_verify returned 3

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] eaptls_process returned 3

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [tls] Adding user data to cached session

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: [eap] Freeing handler

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: # Executing section post-auth from file 

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: +- entering group post-auth {...}

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[exec] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info:    expand: %{reply:EAP-Session-Id} ->

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: ++[reply] returns noop

Sending Access-Accept of id 4 to port 1645

      MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = 

      MS-MPPE-Send-Key = 

      EAP-Message = 0x030c0004

      Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

      User-Name = ""

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Info: Finished request 5.

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Debug: Going to the next request

Sat Aug 18 03:04:46 2012 : Debug: Waking up in 4.8 seconds


And New one: Here the tls state machine goes from Access-Request to 
Access-Rejected and then segmentation fault

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1645, id=147, 

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: # Executing section authorize from file 

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[digest] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [suffix] Looking up realm "" for 
User-Name = ""

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [suffix] No such realm ""

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 1 length 38

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going 
EAP conversation

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[files] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [pap] WARNING! No "known good" password found 
for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[pap] returns noop

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: # Executing group from file 

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [eap] EAP Identity

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [eap] processing type tls

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [tls] Requiring client certificate

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [tls] Initiate

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [tls] Start returned 1

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: Failed to authenticate the user.

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: Using Post-Auth-Type REJECT

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: # Executing group from file 

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: +- entering group REJECT {...}

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: [attr_filter.access_reject]      expand: 
%{User-Name} ->

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Debug: attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Info: Delaying reject of request 0 for 1 seconds

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Debug: Going to the next request

Sat Aug 18 02:44:32 2012 : Debug: Waking up in 0.9 seconds.

Sat Aug 18 02:44:33 2012 : Info: Sending delayed reject for request 0

Sending Access-Reject of id 147 to port 1645

Sat Aug 18 02:44:33 2012 : Debug: Waking up in 0.3 seconds.

Sat Aug 18 02:44:33 2012 : Info: Sending delayed reject for request 1

Sending Access-Reject of id 148 to port 1645


Srinivas B
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