EHLO list!

We're running into a strange issue here and would like the input of the FreeRADIUS community. Using rlm_perl with our own perl module for post_auth, everything is running smoothly until, for an unknown reason, it looks like the RAD_REQUEST hash is becoming "empty".

Here's a snippet of the module (the important part for this particular issue).
sub post_auth {
    my $mac = clean_mac($RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'});

    if (length($mac) != 17) {
&radiusd::radlog(L_INFO, "MAC address is empty or invalid in this request. "
            . "It could be normal on certain radius calls");
&radiusd::radlog(L_INFO, "Our values. RAD_REQUEST-CallingStationId:" . $RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'} . " | MAC after clean_mac:" . $mac);
        return RLM_MODULE_OK;


Here's the output when the issue occurs.
Info: rlm_perl: MAC address is empty or invalid in this request. It could be normal on certain radius calls Info: rlm_perl: Our values. RAD_REQUEST-CallingStationId: | MAC after clean_mac:0

(The clean_mac thing is a method in our libraries that sanitize the MAC address itself... shouldn't have any incidence here)

Any insight ? Somewhere to look ?



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