On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 02:24:21PM +0100, Emmanuel BILLOT wrote:
> # Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
> +- entering group authorize {...}
> ++? if (Called-Station-Id =~ /^.*:(.*)$/)
> ? Evaluating (Called-Station-Id =~ /^.*:(.*)$/) -> TRUE
> ++? if (Called-Station-Id =~ /^.*:(.*)$/) -> TRUE
> ++- entering if (Called-Station-Id =~ /^.*:(.*)$/) {...}
> +++[control] returns notfound

   if (Calling-Station-Id =~ /^.*:([a-zA-Z-]+)$/) {
     update control {
       Tmp-String-0 := "%{1}"

Put "quotes" around the %{1}.

I said it wasn't tested :)


Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

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