You can add

if ("%{User-Name}" =~ / /) {

at the start of the authorize section.

This rule will reject user(s) in case they add blank spaces before or after the 

On 18.4.2013 9:47, Wilco Baan Hofman wrote:

On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 22:03 -0500, Andres Gomez Ruiz wrote:

So I have many users using the same username putting one, two,
three, ...etc., spaces after the username.

How can I solve this situation?
May be with a SQL query that ignores the spaces in the username?
(talking about the sql counters)

Not really a RADIUS question, but this is default behaviour for MySQL.
Convert the VARCHAR Field to binary or use TRIM() for the counters.


Wilco Baan Hofman

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