

Upon successful authentication of a user, have to send default WiMAX attribute 
(Initial Service Flow [ISF]) as part of "Access-Accept"; Only if specific WiMax 
attributes (user specific service flows) are *not* defined for the user in 



Let's assume our default ISF response should be:

     WiMAX-Packet-Data-Flow-Id            1

     WiMAX-Service-Data-Flow-Id           1

    WiMAX-Direction                      2

     WiMAX-Activation-Trigger             4

    WiMAX-Transport-Type                 1

    WiMAX-Downlink-QOS-Id                1

    WiMAX-Downlink-Classifier             permit in any src any dst any

     WiMAX-QoS-Id                          1

    WiMAX-Schedule-Type                  2

    WiMAX-Traffic-Priority               1

    WiMAX-Maximum-Sustained-Traffic-Rate 2200000

    WiMAX-Minimum-Reserved-Traffic-Rate  1000

    WiMAX-Transmission-Policy            208

And User "ABC" is configured to have below service flow response (in radreply), 
which is different from default ISF:

     WiMAX-Packet-Data-Flow-Id            111

     WiMAX-Service-Data-Flow-Id           101

     WiMAX-Direction                      1

     WiMAX-Activation-Trigger             4

     WiMAX-Transport-Type                 1

     WiMAX-Uplink-QOS-Id                  111

     WiMAX-Uplink-Classifier               permit in ip src any dst any 0-66 
priority 3

     WiMAX-Uplink-Classifier               permit in ip src any dst any 
69-65535 priority 3

     WiMAX-QoS-Id                         111

     WiMAX-Schedule-Type                  5

     WiMAX-Traffic-Priority               1

     WiMAX-Maximum-Sustained-Traffic-Rate 5500000

     WiMAX-Minimum-Reserved-Traffic-Rate  0

     WiMAX-Tolerated-Jitter               1000

     WiMAX-Maximum-Latency                1000

     WiMAX-Unsolicited-Grant-Interval     40

     WiMAX-Transmission-Policy            211

Expected Response


1)      If User "ABC" successfully authenticates -> want to send only service 
flow configured above for "ABC".

2)      If User  other than ABC (say XYZ, 123, etc... for whom no service flow 
is configured in radreply) authenticates successfully (with default auth-type 
set to eap) -> want to send default IFS.

Approach we took


1)      Added an entry in "radusergroup" table with username and groupname as 


| username    | groupname   | priority |


| DEFAULT-ISF | DEFAULT-ISF |        1 |


2)      Added Default-IFS WiMAX attribute entries in "radgroupreply" table with 
groupname = "DEFAULT-IFS"

3)      updated group_membership_query in dialup.conf file


group_membership_query = "SELECT groupname \

          FROM ${usergroup_table} \

          WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \

          ORDER BY priority"


group_membership_query = "SELECT groupname \

          FROM ${usergroup_table} \

          WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' \

            OR (NOT EXISTS (select 1 from radreply where 
username='%{SQL-User-Name}') \

                        AND username='DEFAULT-ISF') \

          ORDER BY priority"



The above approach works and provided the access-accept response we expected, 
but want to confirm if this is the correct approach to the scenario we 
described or is there a better way to handle this?

Sorry for the long email, wanted to provide as much background as possible



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