Ethan Hayon wrote:
> Hi, Thanks for the response. 
> I only want to run the SQL query if the user's account is already
> expired. Wouldn't I need to put it in here?
> expiration {

  No.  That is a MODULE configuration.  The entries it takes are
documented in that file.  You can't put SQL statements here.

  The earlier response said:

>     You can do with unlang. Put the following in the authorize section,
>     before "sql":
>             if(User-Name){
>                     "%{sql:UPDATE radreply SET zzzz  WHERE yyyy}"
>             }

 What part of that is unclear?  The "expiration" module isn't the
"authorize" section.  So you're either not reading the instructions, or
you're ignoring them.

  Alan DeKok.
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