Hi, i'm starter here but, the user freeradius in your ldap must be able to
read user's passwords.

Try with administrator in /etc/raddb/modules/ldap and if it works, the user
freeradius won't has rigths for this.


El viernes, 14 de junio de 2013, ricardobarbosams escribió:

> Hi.
> Executing ldapsearch with user freeradius
> root@maxwell:~# ldapsearch -LLL -x -h -b "dc=batlab,dc=corp"
> -D "CN=freeradius,OU=noc,OU=**batlab,DC=batlab,DC=corp" -W
> "(sAMAccountName=**administrator)" cn
> Enter LDAP Password:
> dn: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=**batlab,DC=corp
> cn: Administrator
> Its Works.
> Regards.
> Em 06/13/13 03:37, Iliya Peregoudov escreveu:
>> On 12.06.2013 4:19, ricardobarbosams wrote:
>>> No my filter is
>>> filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(**sAMAccountName=%{User-Name}))"
>> I do not talk about filter, I do talk about binding to the directory.
>> Your ldapsearch binds to the directory using one user and your radiusd
>> binds to directory as another user. These users can have different
>> authorization levels in the directory server. Directory may allow to
>> retrieve objects to us...@batlab.corp user but disallow it to
>> CN=freeradius,OU=noc,OU=**batlab,DC=batlab,DC=corp user.
>> Configure radiusd to use the us...@batlab.corp user to bind to the
>> directory and you'll get same results as with ldapsearch.
>> -
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Un saludo.

Roberto Ortega
Profesor de Informática.

Escuelas San José Valencia
Avd.Cortes Valencianas nº1
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