> > 12 with, I know, I know, FreeRADIUS 2.1.10. Python-LDAP was
> Well... as Alan says, upgrade. Particularly if "you know".

There is no 'out of the box' version for upgrade on Ubuntu 12 at this point 
short of having to compile it ourselves, that is (situation is similar to 
CentOS 6 where the last release is 2.1.12). But that's a discussion best had 
with the Ubuntu folks.

> However - embedding python is a pain in the arse. Various versions have
> issues with the module.so not linking to libpython.so, and not pulling
> in all the symbols it should. See:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue4434
> ...and try not to despair at the (ahem) confusion of the python dev,
> and the various mouth-breathers who suggest static linking :o(
> Try "ldd <blah>/_ldap.so" and see if it links to libpython.so. If not,
> that's your problem, and there isn't much you can do about it because
> python is broken on your system.

I shall check that again (when I bring the box up for that magical third try). 
But if it's not, that again is probably an Ubuntu-specific issue, and we'll 
probably raise it with the Python-LDAP folks.

> The OP in the bug above seems to think it's fixed for him in Python
> 2.5, but TBH I suspect distro-specific build-time options, rather than
> any change to the python runtime.

Indeed. In the meanwhile I've decided to work around it by using ldap.attrmap 
with a load of Tmp-String-* entries and hoping to feed those into a standard 
(non-C-linked) Python module for assembly into a compliant XML string. :-)

Thanks for the heads-up. 


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