On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:04 PM, <mdeche...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hello Users --
( cc-ing you directly since it seems you have trouble receiving mails from
the list )

> I'm writing again to verify whether or not my initial question submitted
> to the list was seen.  Is there anyone on-list who is able and willing to
> assist in troubleshooting a PostgreSQL integration with FreeRADIUS?  If the
> initial message was not received for whatever reason, I'll be happy to
> provide the details again.
Did you read Phil's excellent reply?

> If not PostgreSQL, does anyone have expertise in working with
> MariaDB/MySQL integration as a user / accounting store for FreeRADIUS?
It depends on what you need. The defaults work fine for most needs. Just
don't break the default configuration (which, from Phil's reply, is exactly
what you did).

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