> Is it correct as above? Do I have to call ldap_dhcp separately in each 
> section (i.e. twice)?

Hopefully someone else will chime in who's actually used it, but this is what I 
believe the order of operations should be:

* Receive DHCP-Discover
        - Call LDAP to get the IP assignment for the Mac-Address.
        - Augment the reply list with additional options
        - Cache the reply attributes you're about to send (see rlm_cache), you 
probably want to key it on the same attributes as your LDAP search
        - Set DHCP-Message-Type

* Receive DHCP-Request
        - Pull reply list out of cache
        - Compare requested IP with that in reply list IP if != IP requested 
trash the reply list and DHCP-Message-Type := NAK
        - If request IP == reply IP, DHCP-Message-Type := ACK

That way you only have one hit on your LDAP server, and you guarantee 
consistency across Offer and Request.

You can also do it the way you have in your example server (it has the 
advantage that it'll work behind load balancers, or multiple gateways pointing 
at different servers), but you should check the IP from LDAP is the same as the 
one requested, and NAK if appropriate.

If you do it the way I suggested I highly recommend you use V3.0.0 
(release_branch_3.0.0 or master/HEAD) instead, as the list/attribute handling 
is much better.


Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudba...@freeradius.org>
FreeRADIUS Development Team

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