On 17 Sep 2013, at 18:41, Wederson Rodrigues <weder...@vipvilhena.com.br> wrote:

> Regards,
> I have a server configured with freeradius2 rlm_mysql and have
> authentication working well. But the Accouting is only done on start
> and stop. Wanted it to be done every 5 minutes (300 interim-update)
> but is not working.

I'm guessing your not expecting radtest to carry on running in the background
and generate accounting traffic right? and you're just using it for testing?

This functionality is highly NAS dependent, not all NAS support it as it's
not required behaviour by any of the RADIUS rfcs. Consult the manuals for your
NAS to check it is supported, and if that fails contact their support team
and raise a feature request.

I'm not sure which you're returning Acct-Status-Type in an Access-Accept, or
Calling-Station-ID it is not correct/appropriate to insert them into the reply.


Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudba...@freeradius.org>
FreeRADIUS Development Team

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