

The "IPhone Configuration Utility"  can do remote debugging with iPads, it
helped me diagnose some EAP-TLS issues.




[] On Behalf Of val john
Sent: 19 September 2013 05:28
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: ipad ssl error in free radius


hi guys 

we are getting follwong error in our radius log when ipad  trying to connect
to our WIFI network , our WIFI network using  EAP-TTLS + LDAP authentication

All other devices  (linux , windows,  mac os 10.8 , Suse , android ) are
working fine apart from ipads ..


Tue Sep 17 13:36:25 2013 : Error: TLS Alert read:warning:close notify
Tue Sep 17 13:36:25 2013 : Error:     TLS_accept: failed in SSLv3 read
client certificate A
Tue Sep 17 13:36:25 2013 : Error: rlm_eap: SSL error error:140940E5:SSL
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:ssl handshake failure
Tue Sep 17 13:36:25 2013 : Error: SSL: SSL_read failed in a system call
(-1), TLS session fails.
Tue Sep 17 13:36:25 2013 : Auth: Login incorrect (TLS Alert
read:warning:close notify): [] (from client ManagementAPs port 1
cli 00-88-65-42-50-88)

Do you guys any idea what cause this issue 

Thank you 



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