Hi All
*for some reason (change database structure and limitation on sql module
for sql connection and ...)  i need to develop something like SQL module
to exchange check data  in all section on my database .*
*so in need to know what exactly sql module do in each section ( such
as authorize , authenticate, accounting , ...).*
*i can not find any detailed document on this.*
*i just know that i should read all check data and fill them in related
attribute (control attribute) in authorize  section and for  accounting
section i need to update database  by  request attribute that received .*
*i think that i miss something but i can not find ....*
*can any one help on this ?*
*do we have any list of attribute that i should  fill in any section ?
 specially in authenticate section that other module need information from
database (check attribute).*
*Best ergards.*
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