
This is with Win7 Ultimate x64
i noted i minimal graphic error when listview item selection is drawn.

Top part is what is drawn by FreeRDP 1.0 latest git, while the bottom is a
screenshot taken by the server
Regedit displays the problem

Below is a piece of vb.net code to display the above form (written in VS
2010) just needs a new windows forms app, paste this code and run it.
I think you guys fix it in a jiff instead of me trying to poke around and
try to find what drawing instruction is the bad one.


Public Class Form1
    Private WithEvents lst As New ListView
    Private WithEvents pic As New PictureBox
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Handles MyBase.Load
        'this is the listview showing the problem
        lst.View = View.Details
        lst.Columns.Add("col1", 100)
        lst.Items.Add("row").Selected = True
        lst.Items.Add("row row row")
        lst.MultiSelect = False
        lst.HideSelection = False
        lst.FullRowSelect = True
        lst.Dock = DockStyle.Top
        lst.Size = New Size(Me.ClientSize.Width, lst.Items(1).Bounds.Bottom
+ (lst.Size - lst.ClientSize).Height)

        lst.Location = New Point(0, 0)

        'this is the imagebox displaying the screenshoot
        pic.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        pic.Size = New Size(Me.ClientSize.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height \ 2)
        pic.Location = New Point(0, lst.Height)
        pic.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D


    End Sub

    Private Sub TakeImage() Handles lst.SelectedIndexChanged, pic.Click
        Dim swShoot As New Bitmap(lst.Size.Width, lst.Size.Height)
        lst.DrawToBitmap(swShoot, lst.Bounds)
        pic.Image = swShoot
    End Sub
End Class
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