Hi all.

I have made some testing on the freerdp1 module in XRDP. It works, but
during the connect phase many things can go wrong, such as DNS error,
connection failure, authentication error etc. I think there should be
a way of getting a detailed error code from Freerdp. From what I have
seen only true or false are returned. Freerdp print out errors on the
screen but these messages are not readable by XRDP.

I have made a branch (https://github.com/ArvidNorr/FreeRDP) (branch
errorcode) where the error code is stored in a variable. There are
many ways of returning an error code. This suggestion does not mean
that the interface to Freerdp must be changed.

There is also a branch of XRDP (https://github.com/ArvidNorr/xrdp)
(branch freerdpconnecterror) where you can see how the errorcode is

Comments are welcome.


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