Hi all,
    After a long time, I succeed to cross-compile freerdp for my arm platform. 
But the video redirection doesn't work,I just can't find the answer. When 
playing a video using media player, I get the following outputs:
Warning rdpsnd_pulse_connect (99): bad context state (6)
Warning FreeRDPRdpsndDeviceEntry (500): rdpsnd_pulse_connect failed
Warning rdpsnd_load_device_plugin (466): pulse entry returns error.
Warning tsmf_pulse_open_stream (251): pa_stream_connect_playback failed (15)
Warning tsmf_ffmpeg_decode_audio (381): error decoding
Warning tsmf_ffmpeg_decode_video (287): data_size 97, no frame is decoded.
When searching the code, I find it gets error when executing the ffmpeg 
function:avcodec_decode_video2(). Can anyone help me ? Thanks a lot!
                                         Guangchao Yao
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