On 25 Jan 2015, at 16:58, Alex Bligh <a...@alex.org.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to connect to a Hyper-V VM guest running Linux. I am
> pretty sure the guest is configured as generation 1.
> Connect works fine most of the time. However, after a few connects and
> disconnects, the keyboard stops working, or pressing any key results
> in two keystrokes being transmitted (the first being '^[' - some
> form of escape character). This makes the login prompt look like this:
>   http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=23m21q0&s=8#.VMUd1WQlE_4

For the archives:

This is because I was switching focus by using CMD-TAB (on my Mac)
which was also running the Linux VM used to run xfreerdp locally.
This sends a key-down for CMD, but as focus is lost, the key up
for CMD is not sent (in either guacamole or x11freerdp). When
focus is restored, the VM still thinks CMD is held down. The
keyboard thus doesn't work. Pressing and releasing CMD alone
fixes this.

I suspect this is a tiny bug in the x11freerdp client (in that
it should probably do key-ups when focus is lost), but in general
apologies for the noise.

Alex Bligh

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