Dear All,

My aim is to connect from a Debian Jessie PC to Windows Server 2008 R2 via RDP 
using FreeRDP with (a) two monitors and (b) smartcard redirection. The purpose 
of smartcard redirection is not Windows logon but use of the smartcard within a 
running Windows session. I am using single monitor RDP for a few years without 
issues based on rdesktop with smartcard and usb redirection like this:

#!/bin/bash rdesktop -f [ip of WTS] -r scard -r disk:usb=/media/local -u 
"[Domain]\[User]" -d [Domain] -p -

Unfortunately, I feel that resktop cannot handle the dual monitor setting while 
I am unable to get smartcard redirection to work with FreeRDP, at least with 
the version in the Debian Jessie packages ("This is FreeRDP version 1.1.0-beta1 
(git n/a)").

A basic multimonitor connection does work, as long as no smartcard is involved:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User, probably also Domain\User] /v:[IP of WTS]

lsusb provides the following output regarding my smartcard:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04e6:5116 SCM Microsystems, Inc. SCR331-LC1 / SCR3310 
SmartCard Reader

The following variant lead to no smartcard redirection:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard

The following variants lead to a segfault:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard:"SCM Microsystems, Inc. 
SCR331-LC1 / SCR3310 SmartCard Reader"
xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard:"SCM Microsystems, Inc. 
SCR3310" [name based on pcsc_scan]

Other variants end up with "Warning smartcard_mark_duplicate_id (166): 
CompletionID number 0 is now marked as a duplicate.":

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard:"SCARD"
xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard:"SCM Microsystems Inc. 
SCR 3310 [CCID Interface] (21120536114994) 00 00" [name based on pcsc_scan]

Plain USB redirection (while uncertain if it would solve the issue if it did 
work) seems to be no alternative either due to a bug 

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /usb:id04e6:5116

The "best" variant seems to be:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:[User] /v:[IP of WTS] /smartcard:SCARD

Then, Windows seems to recognize the reader but without being able to read the 
card (unlike rdesktop single monitor).

I am aware, that similar questions have been asked in this list before, 
however, with no solutions as far as I can see.
Would anyone please be so kind to point me to the right direction?



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