> Hi Armin,
> I started a "how to" for my records.  And it does not work.
> What did I do wrong?
> Many thanks,
> -T
> To map a printer on your local computer to a remote computer, use
>      /printer:<device>,<driver>
> where
>     <device> is the name of the printer in CUPS,
> and
>     <driver> is the name of the driver used in CUPS
> For example:
>     /printer:B4350,'HP LaserJet IIP'

Your syntax looks correct, but if that should work depends on a few
* First of which, did you use xfreerdp compiled from upstream or a
distribution provided package?
   Either way you need to check if it was compiled with -DWITH_CUPS=ON
CMake option.

* Then you should try with just /printer which redirects all locally
attached CUPS printers to the remote machine.
   Be aware that that may take a few seconds/minutes depending on driver
installation time of the remote machine.
  If the printers show up on the remote machine you have a working

* You can retry with /printer:<cups name>  only and look if the printer
is redirected properly with the default driver settings

* At last you can try fiddling with the driver settings.
   You may need a few tries until you get the driver string correct (or
you're lucky)


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