Hi armka,

the rdpsnd plugin provides that redirection (that is sound from your
server to the client running e.g. mstsc or xfreerdp)

With the latest sound related changes the structure of that channel
consists of the following components:

1. The channel glue code to send/receive the data

2. A decoder/encoder for specific sound formats (freerdp_dsp_*, best
working currently is -DWITH_DSP_FFMPEG=ON)

3. A backend to play/record audio to/from (that is alsa, pulse or oss
for linux)

4. Configuration glue code in the shadow server

So, if it is not working for you check the following:

(WLOG_LEVEL=debug or WLOG_LEVEL=trace env variable will enable enhanced
debug output)

1. Is the channel loaded on connection?

2. Is a common format exchanged?

3. Is actual data send to the freerdp_dsp_encode function?

4. Is actual data send from the channel?

we have been busy fixing bugs for the upcoming 2.0 release and hope to
improve the packaging situation a bit after that.

Until then you're most likely best off compiling your own package. (see
packaging/deb folder to get a nice and simple debian package you can
install in /opt)

best regards


On 09/02/2018 06:32 AM, armka--- via FreeRDP-devel wrote:
> HiWhich is the best way please to enable audio redirect from a running linux 
> desktop.  Would be really great but don't find any good guide about it. Is 
> rdpsnd plugin related to Pulseaudio?
> Also to report that all default packages of freerdp-shadow-cli on debian 9 
> and last ubuntu LTS directly produces errors like segmentation fault.  This 
> is why I'm still using as server a old compiled myself source (rfx 
> enabled...) from jessie.
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