
no you get a different error (you need to read more than the last error 
message, they often have the reason more or less human readable)
Since I don't know your rdp file I can't exactly tell what else is missing, but 
for this the server expects a different routing token.


Am October 18, 2019 1:26:45 PM UTC schrieb "Joshua A. Shaw via FreeRDP-devel" 
>Good Day,
>I've made progress.  I now have a freerdp package with GSSAPI disabled.
>With the new package xfreerdp <RDPConnectionFile.rdp> /u:<username>
>connects if I disable the NLA requirement.
>Unfortunately, I cannot get the command line version to connect at all.
> I am actually getting the same error as before.
>What is wrong with this command (see the log just below)?
>xfreerdp /v:<mybrokerFQDN> /u:<myusername> /p:<mypassword> /cert-ignore
>/log-level:TRACE /g:<mygateway> /load-balance-info:'tsv://MS Termininal
>Services Plugin.1.<mycollectionname>' /d:<mydomain>
>[09:13:59:040] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>loading channelEx rdpdr
>[09:13:59:040] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>loading channelEx rdpsnd
>[09:13:59:040] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.channels.cliprdr.client]
>- VirtualChannelEntryEx
>[09:13:59:040] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>loading channelEx cliprdr
>[09:13:59:041] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Searching
>for XInput pointer device
>[09:13:59:042] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Pointer
>device: 6
>[09:13:59:044] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>security layer negotiation: TRUE
>[09:13:59:044] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>restricted admin mode: FALSE
>[09:13:59:044] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>RDP security: TRUE
>[09:13:59:044] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>TLS security: TRUE
>[09:13:59:044] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>NLA security: TRUE
>[09:13:59:045] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>NLA extended security: FALSE
>[09:13:59:045] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>[09:13:59:045] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Attempting
>NLA security
>[09:13:59:045] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Detecting if
>host can be reached locally. - This might take some time.
>[09:13:59:045] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - To disable
>auto detection use /gateway-usage-method:direct
>[09:13:59:046] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.core] -
>freerdp_set_last_error resetting error state
>[09:13:59:046] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to
>[09:13:59:047] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Adding
>terminating CRLF to routing token
>[09:13:59:047] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>RequestedProtocols: 3
>[09:13:59:053] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - RDP_NEG_RSP
>[09:13:59:053] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>selected_protocol: 2
>[09:13:59:053] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>[09:13:59:053] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Negotiated
>NLA security
>[09:13:59:053] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>nego_security_connect with PROTOCOL_HYBRID
>[09:13:59:058] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi] -
>[09:13:59:059] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] -
>nla_client_init 400 : packageName=Negotiate ; cbMaxToken=12256
>[09:13:59:059] [7259:7260] [TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - 
>InitializeSecurityContext status SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED [0x00090312]
>[09:13:59:059] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending
>Authentication Token
>[09:13:59:059] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - CredSSP
>protocol support 6, peer supports 6
>[09:13:59:060] [7259:7260] [TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] -
>InitializeSecurityContext  SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED [0x00090313]
>[09:13:59:060] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending
>Authentication Token
>[09:13:59:086] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.gcc] - Server rdp
>encryption method: NONE
>[09:13:59:092] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.info] - Client Info
>Packet Flags =
>[09:13:59:092] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.winpr.timezone] - tz: Bias=300
>sn='Eastern Standard Time' dln='Eastern Daylight Time'
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - recv Set
>Error Info Data PDU (0x2F), length: 22
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.core] -
>contained in the routingToken field of the X.224 Connection Request PDU
>(section cannot be validated.
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - recv Set
>Error Info Data PDU (0x2F), length: 22
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [INFO][com.freerdp.core] -
>contained in the routingToken field of the X.224 Connection Request PDU
>(section cannot be validated.
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>DisconnectProviderUltimatum: reason: 1
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>DisconnectProviderUltimatum: reason: 1
>[09:13:59:103] [7259:7260] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>transport_check_fds() - -1
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joshua A. Shaw via FreeRDP-devel
>Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:05 PM
>To: freerdp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [FreeRDP-devel] Trouble Connecting to 2016 RDS Deployment
>Thanks for the confirmation.  Now, I guess I need to try my hand at
>compiling my own, or talk the thinstation maintainer into it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Armin Novak <ano...@thincast.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:01 PM
>To: Joshua A. Shaw <js...@piedmontpediatrics.net>; Joshua A. Shaw via
>FreeRDP-devel <freerdp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>;
>Subject: Re: [FreeRDP-devel] Trouble Connecting to 2016 RDS Deployment
>yes, it is the same issue.
>Your build has gss/kerberos activated.
>Support for that is still buggy.
>Am October 17, 2019 4:00:39 PM UTC schrieb "Joshua A. Shaw via
>FreeRDP-devel" <freerdp-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>:
>>Good Day,
>>I am trying to get a thinstation deployment up and running, but I
>>cannot get FreeRDP to connect to our RDS Deployment.  The trouble
>>similar to https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues/5069, but that
>>should be fixed in this version.  My preference is to get the command
>>line version working, rather than requiring the users to go to the
>>extra step of logging in through RDWeb.  So far, I cannot get either
>>option to work, but I am getting further with the RDP connection file
>>from RDWeb.  What am I doing wrong?
>>FreeRDP version is 2.0.0--dev5
>>RDS Server is 2016
>>RDS Security Layer is TLS 1.0
>>RDS Encryption Level is Client Compatible RDS NLA requirement is off
>>for testing, but it didn't seem to have any impact.
>>Load Balancing is split between 2 hosts.
>>My gateway is bypassed for local connections.
>>I have both the External CA and Local CA certs loaded to image.
>>I have tried several command line options, but here are my most recent
>>attempts, with corresponding logs.
>>Command Options:
>>/v:<mybrokerFQDN> /u:<myusername> /p:<mypassword> /cert-ignore
>>/log-level:TRACE /g:<mygateway> /load-balance-info:'tsv://MS
>>Services Plugin.1.<mycollectionname>' /d:<mydomain>
>>/app-name:'<myappname>' /gum:detect Resulting Log:
>>[09:58:51:187] [5354:5355] [WARN][com.winpr.sspi.Kerberos] - could not
>>get Kerberos default realm [09:58:51:187] [5354:5355]
>>[WARN][com.winpr.negotiate] - No Kerberos credentials. Retry with NTLM
>>[09:58:51:187] [5354:5355] [WARN][com.winpr.sspi] -
>>InitializeSecurityContextA status SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS [0x8009030E]
>>[09:58:51:146] [5354:5355] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>>loading channelEx rdpdr [09:58:51:146] [5354:5355]
>>[INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] - loading channelEx rdpsnd
>>[09:58:51:146] [5354:5355]
>>- VirtualChannelEntryEx
>>[09:58:51:146] [5354:5355] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>>loading channelEx cliprdr [09:58:51:148] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Searching for XInput pointer device
>>[09:58:51:149] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Pointer
>>device: 6
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>security layer negotiation: TRUE [09:58:51:155] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling restricted admin mode: FALSE
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>RDP security: TRUE [09:58:51:155] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling TLS security: TRUE
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>NLA security: TRUE [09:58:51:155] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling NLA extended security: FALSE
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Attempting
>>NLA security [09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>Detecting if host can be reached locally. - This might take some time.
>>[09:58:51:155] [5354:5355] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - To disable
>>auto detection use /gateway-usage-method:direct [09:58:51:157]
>>[5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to peer
>> [09:58:51:158] [5354:5355]
>>- Adding terminating CRLF to routing token [09:58:51:158] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>RequestedProtocols: 3
>>[09:58:51:162] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>[09:58:51:162] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>selected_protocol: 2
>>[09:58:51:162] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[09:58:51:162] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Negotiated
>>NLA security [09:58:51:162] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>- nego_security_connect with PROTOCOL_HYBRID [09:58:51:172]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi] - InitSecurityInterfaceExA [09:58:51:172]
>>[5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - nla_client_init 400 :
>>packageName=Kerberos ; cbMaxToken=48000 [09:58:51:172] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_import_name: SEC_E_OK (0x00000000)
>>[09:58:51:177] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_init_sec_context: SEC_E_UNKNOWN (0x000D0000) [09:58:51:187]
>>[5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_release_name: SEC_E_OK (0x00000000) [09:58:51:187] [5354:5355]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS [0x8009030E] [09:58:51:187] [5354:5355]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED [0x00090312] [09:58:51:187] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[09:58:51:188] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - CredSSP
>>protocol support 6, peer supports 6 [09:58:51:188] [5354:5355]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext
>>SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED [0x00090313] [09:58:51:188] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[09:58:51:197] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.gcc] - Server rdp
>>encryption method: NONE [09:58:51:205] [5354:5355]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.info] - Client Info Packet Flags =
>>[09:58:51:206] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.winpr.timezone] - tz: Bias=300
>>sn='Eastern Standard Time' dln='Eastern Daylight Time'
>>[09:58:51:240] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - recv Set
>>Error Info Data PDU (0x2F), length: 22 [09:58:51:240] [5354:5355]
>>[INFO][com.freerdp.core] -
>>(0x00000410):The settings contained in the routingToken field of the
>>X.224 Connection Request PDU (section cannot be validated.
>>[09:58:51:240] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - recv Set
>>Error Info Data PDU (0x2F), length: 22 [09:58:51:240] [5354:5355]
>>[INFO][com.freerdp.core] -
>>(0x00000410):The settings contained in the routingToken field of the
>>X.224 Connection Request PDU (section cannot be validated.
>>[09:58:51:240] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>DisconnectProviderUltimatum: reason: 1
>>[09:58:51:240] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>DisconnectProviderUltimatum: reason: 1
>>[09:58:51:240] [5354:5355] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>transport_check_fds() - -1
>>On the RDP Server Side I get the following events:
>>802    RD Connection Broker Failed to process the connection request
>>for user <domain>\<username>. User's RDP file has invalid hint format.
>>Error: The request is not supported.
>>1296  Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed while getting
>>redirrection packet from Connection Broker.  User:
>>Error: Element not found.
>>1306  Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the
>>user <domain>/<username>. Error: NULL
>>I also tried downloading the RDP connection file from RDWeb and
>>it with FreeRDP.  This option gets me through to the host, but then
>>fails at the host without generating any events Command Options:
>>/u:<myusername> /p:<mypassword> /cert-ignore /log-level:TRACE
>>Resulting Log:
>>[11:07:03:390] [6202:6203] [WARN][com.winpr.sspi.Kerberos] - could not
>>get Kerberos default realm [11:07:03:390] [6202:6203]
>>[WARN][com.winpr.negotiate] - No Kerberos credentials. Retry with NTLM
>>[11:07:03:390] [6202:6203] [WARN][com.winpr.sspi] -
>>InitializeSecurityContextA status SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS [0x8009030E]
>>[11:07:02:357] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>>loading channelEx rdpdr [11:07:02:357] [6202:6203]
>>[INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] - loading channelEx rdpsnd
>>[11:07:02:357] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.channels.rail.client] -
>>VirtualChannelEntryEx [11:07:02:357] [6202:6203]
>>[INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] - loading channelEx rail
>>[11:07:02:357] [6202:6203]
>>- VirtualChannelEntryEx
>>[11:07:02:357] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.client.common.cmdline] -
>>loading channelEx drdynvc [11:07:02:358] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Searching for XInput pointer device
>>[11:07:02:358] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.client.x11] - Pointer
>>device: 6
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>security layer negotiation: TRUE [11:07:02:362] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling restricted admin mode: FALSE
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>RDP security: TRUE [11:07:02:362] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling TLS security: TRUE
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>NLA security: TRUE [11:07:02:362] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling NLA extended security: FALSE
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Attempting
>>NLA security [11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>Detecting if host can be reached locally. - This might take some time.
>>[11:07:02:362] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - To disable
>>auto detection use /gateway-usage-method:direct [11:07:03:367]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to peer
>> [11:07:03:368] [6202:6203]
>>- Adding terminating CRLF to routing token [11:07:03:368] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>RequestedProtocols: 3
>>[11:07:03:372] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>[11:07:03:372] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>selected_protocol: 2
>>[11:07:03:372] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:03:372] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Negotiated
>>NLA security [11:07:03:372] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>- nego_security_connect with PROTOCOL_HYBRID [11:07:03:378]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi] - InitSecurityInterfaceExA [11:07:03:378]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - nla_client_init 400 :
>>packageName=Kerberos ; cbMaxToken=48000 [11:07:03:378] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_import_name: SEC_E_OK (0x00000000)
>>[11:07:03:385] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_init_sec_context: SEC_E_UNKNOWN (0x000D0000) [11:07:03:390]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi.gss] -
>>gss_release_name: SEC_E_OK (0x00000000) [11:07:03:390] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS [0x8009030E] [11:07:03:390] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED [0x00090312] [11:07:03:390] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[11:07:03:391] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - CredSSP
>>protocol support 6, peer supports 6 [11:07:03:391] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext
>>SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED [0x00090313] [11:07:03:391] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[11:07:03:399] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.gcc] - Server rdp
>>encryption method: NONE [11:07:03:404] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.info] - Client Info Packet Flags =
>>YBACK|INFO_AUDIOCAPTURE [11:07:03:404] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.timezone] - tz: Bias=300 sn='Eastern Standard Time'
>>dln='Easte[11:07:03:638] [6202:6203] [ERROR][com.winpr.sspi] -
>>EncryptMessage status SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN [0x80090308] [11:07:03:623]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>flags: 0x0400, redirFlags: 0x00000B0D length: 192, sessionID:
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>redirectionFlags = { [11:07:03:623] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -  LB_TARGET_NET_ADDRESS
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>LB_USERNAME [11:07:03:623] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -  LB_DOMAIN [11:07:03:623]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -  LB_TARGET_FQDN
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>LB_TARGET_NETBIOS_NAME [11:07:03:623] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -  LB_TARGET_NET_ADDRESSES
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] - }
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>Username: <username>
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>Domain: <domain>
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>TargetFQDN: <hostname>.<domain>.local
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>TargetNetBiosName: <hostname>
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>TargetNetAddressesCount: 1
>>[11:07:03:623] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.redirection] -
>>[11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>security layer negotiation: TRUE [11:07:03:625] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling restricted admin mode: FALSE
>>[11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>RDP security: TRUE [11:07:03:625] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling TLS security: TRUE
>>[11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>NLA security: TRUE [11:07:03:625] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling NLA extended security: FALSE
>>[11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Attempting
>>NLA security [11:07:03:625] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>Detecting if host can be reached locally. - This might take some time.
>>[11:07:03:626] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - To disable
>>auto detection use /gateway-usage-method:direct [11:07:03:628]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to peer
>> [11:07:03:628] [6202:6203]
>>RequestedProtocols: 3
>>[11:07:03:632] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>[11:07:03:632] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>selected_protocol: 2
>>[11:07:03:632] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:03:632] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Negotiated
>>NLA security [11:07:03:632] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>- nego_security_connect with PROTOCOL_HYBRID [11:07:03:637]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi] - InitSecurityInterfaceExA [11:07:03:637]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - nla_client_init 400 :
>>packageName=Kerberos ; cbMaxToken=48000 [11:07:03:637] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED [0x00090312] [11:07:03:637] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[11:07:03:638] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - CredSSP
>>protocol support 6, peer supports 6 [11:07:03:638] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext
>>SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED [0x00090313] [11:07:03:638] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>transport_check_fds() - -1
>>[11:07:03:638] [6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.nla] -
>>EncryptMessage status SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN [0x80090308] [11:07:03:638]
>>[6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>rdp_recv_callback: CONNECTION_STATE_NLA - nla_recv_pdu() fail
>>[11:07:03:638] [6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] -
>>transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - -1 [11:07:03:638]
>>[6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - freerdp_set_last_error
>>[11:07:03:647] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>security layer negotiation: TRUE [11:07:03:647] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling restricted admin mode: FALSE
>>[11:07:03:647] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling
>>RDP security: TRUE [11:07:03:647] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling TLS security: TRUE
>>[11:07:03:647] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.[11:07:03:660] [6202:6203]
>>[ERROR][com.winpr.sspi] - EncryptMessage status SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN
>>[0x80090308] [11:07:03:647] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>- Enabling NLA extended security: FALSE [11:07:03:647] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:03:648] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Attempting
>>NLA security [11:07:03:648] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>Detecting if host can be reached locally. - This might take some time.
>>[11:07:03:648] [6202:6203] [INFO][com.freerdp.core.nego] - To disable
>>auto detection use /gateway-usage-method:direct [11:07:03:649]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core] - connecting to peer
>> [11:07:03:650] [6202:6203]
>>RequestedProtocols: 3
>>[11:07:03:654] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>[11:07:03:654] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] -
>>selected_protocol: 2
>>[11:07:03:654] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - state:
>>[11:07:03:654] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego] - Negotiated
>>NLA security [11:07:03:654] [6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nego]
>>- nego_security_connect with PROTOCOL_HYBRID [11:07:03:659]
>>[DEBUG][com.winpr.sspi] - InitSecurityInterfaceExA [11:07:03:659]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - nla_client_init 400 :
>>packageName=Kerberos ; cbMaxToken=48000 [11:07:03:659] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext status
>>SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED [0x00090312] [11:07:03:659] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - Sending Authentication Token
>>[11:07:03:660] [6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.nla] -
>>EncryptMessage status SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN [0x80090308] [11:07:03:660]
>>[6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>rdp_recv_callback: CONNECTION_STATE_NLA - nla_recv_pdu() fail
>>[11:07:03:660] [6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] -
>>transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - -1 [11:07:03:660]
>>[6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - freerdp_set_last_error
>>[6202:6203] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - freerdp_post_connect failed
>>freerdp.core.nego] - Enabling NLA security: TRUE [11:07:03:660]
>>[6202:6203] [DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.nla] - CredSSP protocol support
>>peer supports 6 [11:07:03:660] [6202:6203]
>>[TRACE][com.freerdp.core.nla] - InitializeSecurityContext
>>SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED [0x00090313] [11:07:03:660] [6202:6203]
>>[DEBUG][com.freerdp.core.rdp] -
>>transport_check_fds() - -1
>>The RDP Connection file contains:
>>session bpp:i:32
>>prompt for credentials on client:i:1
>>span monitors:i:1
>>use multimon:i:1
>>server port:i:3389
>>allow font smoothing:i:1
>>full address:s:<brokername>.<domain>.LOCAL
>>alternate shell:s:||<appalias>
>>remoteapplicationname:s:Clinical Module
>>workspace id:s: <brokername>.<domain>.LOCAL use redirection server
>>name:i:1 loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv://MS Terminal Services
>>Plugin.1.<collectionname> alternate full address:s:
>><brokername>.<domain>.LOCAL signscope:s:Full Address,Alternate Full
>>Address,Use Redirection Server Name,Server
>>Joshua A. Shaw
>>Piedmont Pediatrics <http://www.piedmontpediatrics.net>
>>Mailing Address: 900 Rio East Court, Suite A, Charlottesville, VA
>>Main Phone (24 hour coverage): 434-975-7777
>>This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
>>to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
>>and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended
>>recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, disclosure,
>>dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is
>>strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
>>please notify me immediately and destroy the original message.
>>FreeRDP-devel mailing list
>Piedmont Pediatrics <http://www.piedmontpediatrics.net>
>Mailing Address: 900 Rio East Court, Suite A, Charlottesville, VA 22901
>Main Phone (24 hour coverage): 434-975-7777
>This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
>to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged
>and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended
>recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, disclosure,
>dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is
>strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
>please notify me immediately and destroy the original message.
>FreeRDP-devel mailing list
>Piedmont Pediatrics <http://www.piedmontpediatrics.net>
>Mailing Address: 900 Rio East Court, Suite A, Charlottesville, VA 22901
>Main Phone (24 hour coverage): 434-975-7777
>This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
>to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged
>and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended
>recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, disclosure,
>dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is
>strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
>please notify me immediately and destroy the original message.
>FreeRDP-devel mailing list

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