Le 01/02/2023 à 09:44, Andrey Af via FreeRDP-devel a écrit :
Hi All!

I build a freerdp 2.8.1 with the flag WITH_GSSAPI=ON. And for the
freerdp-shadow, I made a keytab with the TERMSRV/hostname@REALM
principal. I use the environment variable KRB5_KTNAME. I run
freerdp-shadow-cli and I don't see gss_xxx in the logs. I can conclude
that the use of kerberos is not implemented for freerdp-shadow?

Hi Andrey,

server-side kerberos support is only on master (mostly because to accept mstsc you need the kerberos user2user extension), and you must provide the keytab to freerdp-shadow-cli with the `/keytab:<path>` (on master).

Hint: as long as you see NTLM related messages, you're not taking the kerberos path.

Best regards.

David FORT
website: https://www.hardening-consulting.com/

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