On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 03:17:39AM +0100, Dario Freni wrote:
> Log Message:
> -----------
> Unbreak the boot phase after recent changes in FreeBSD's rcNG system.

Thanks. It seems that going back to BEFORE: nsswitch still works, at
least for me, but don't ask me why, because 2 days ago it didn't
The great mistery of the "boot scripts system" (calling it rcNG is
deprecated ;) )....

ATM I'm building an ISO with your changes.
Will report to you later.

Best Regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Volunteer (http://freebsd.org)
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)
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