On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 10:20:51AM -0800, Dan Angelescu wrote:
> Hi !
> X was started but the monitor was not detected via
> DDC.
> xorg.conf has at monitor section the default values.
> In that case  the newers monitors will not be used at
> their true value (as an example the refresh will be
> lower or even the resolution will be lower ).
> I have an old LCD monitor (Neso LD 700V) which is
> detectable via DDC.

Ok, I will investigate on how to improve our X autoconfiguration

> Why do you say that can't be used mount_unionfs ?
> It doesn't work properly if you want to do multiple
> mounts  almost in the same place.
> But if you do only an mount_union it works.
> I haven't found any problem.

unionfs as it is in RELENG_6 is everything but stable in the middle
run, and sometimes even in the short run. Daichi Goto has a working
patch that fixes it, but I don't want to use unionfs now, for two
a) FreeSBIE-2.0 is too near to change the way FreeSBIE works. I know
we already support unionfs and have tweaks in our scripts, but I never
tested all our plugins with unionfs.
b) It's not yet in the tree so and I want FreeSBIE 2.0 to be based on
RELENG_6_2 for src and RELEASE_6_2_0 for ports as much as possible. 
Following releases such as FreeSBIE-2.X-unionfs may be possible, but
we'll think about that after having released FreeSBIE 2.0.

Best regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Committer (http://www.freebsd.org)
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)

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