Hi folks,
I just finished the first writing of the FreeSBIE 2.0 Release Notes
and I would be happy if you could read them to find mistakes, unclear
statements, missing parts, and so on.

They're available at http://users.gufi.org/~rionda/20relnotes/ .
DocBook source is available at
http://users.gufi.org/~rionda/20relnotes/article.sgml .
Send patches (SGML or plain text) to me or to this ML.


As a side note, some FreeSBIE 2.0(-RC2) screenshots are available at:

Best Regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Committer (http://www.freebsd.org)
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)

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