
On 7/3/07, Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
and a simple GUI desktop. I chose Xfce because it's small and easy to

I have the same choices FreeBSD/xfce4

Creating a FreeBSD LiveCD was fairly straightforward thanks to
good design of the base system, but I have strange problems with X11
applications. The symptoms are:

You did'nt explain how you build your system ? Are you using freesbie
? http://www.freesbie.org/ (I'v add a forward to the list)

- xfdesktop crashes in glib's wrapper of pthred_cond_timedwait() with
"Invalid argument" error
- Firefox runs with 100% CPU spent in SYS time, with "top" reporting it
in a libthr-related state

I never had this problem.

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