Can you send me the annotation file?

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Wan Park wrote:

hi, i am using a mac G5.

after successfully doing the talairach (thanks tosa and quinn) i went through and i did the parcellation:

(last part)
labeling surface...
relabeling using gibbs priors...
000: 12553 changed, 169800 examined...
001: 3181 changed, 48112 examined...
002: 1021 changed, 16263 examined...
003: 473 changed, 5771 examined...
004: 281 changed, 2658 examined...
005: 157 changed, 1570 examined...
006: 69 changed, 848 examined...
007: 34 changed, 397 examined...
008: 19 changed, 211 examined...
009: 9 changed, 120 examined...
010: 8 changed, 47 examined...
011: 8 changed, 49 examined...
012: 2 changed, 44 examined...
013: 0 changed, 11 examined...
000: 538 total segments, 417 labels (5917 vertices) changed
001: 158 total segments, 44 labels (399 vertices) changed
002: 116 total segments, 2 labels (13 vertices) changed
003: 114 total segments, 0 labels (0 vertices) changed
10 filter iterations complete (10 requested, 172 changed)
writing output to /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/label/ rh.aparc.annot...
writing colortable into annotation file...
classification took 4 minutes and 49 seconds.

i tried to see it and wrote:

tksurfer 22970 rh inflated

en then file> label> import annot> /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/label/rh.aparc.annot

but i receive this message:

[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% tksurfer 22970 rh inflated
surfer: current subjects dir: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/mri/T1/COR- .info
INFO: Src volume /tmp/mritotal_4912/orig_8_dxyz.mnc
INFO: Target volume /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_4912/orig_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
ncopen: filename "/usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc": Invalid dimension id or name
miopen: MINC package entry point
Error opening /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
mincRead(): error reading volume from file /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
surfer: vertices=169800, faces=339596
surfer: using interface /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
Couldn't load libtclfsgdf.dylib.
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
Read /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/surface_labels.txt, found 95 structures
Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
% reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 85 entries read (originally /space/neo/5/recon/christophe/Simple_surface_labels2002.txt)
reading colortable from annotation file...
*** malloc_zone_calloc[11526]: arguments too large: 3221210976,520
CTABreadFrom: could not allocate -1073756320 bin table
Cannot allocate memory
Bus error
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark%

could you please help me with this?



-- Kevin Teich

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