I'm trying to run mris_anatomical_stats on a custom parcellation, but am having 
problems because I don't know what the flag to speficy the appropriate colour 
table is. If I run the -b option, I get output but with no labels. If I run -f, 
I get a message saying that no colour table is loaded. Commands and output are 

mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -a acc.annot -b 1000908 lh white
INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes.
computing statistics for each annotation in acc.annot.
reading volume 
reading input surface 
INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_1614/nu_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
computing second fundamental form... ... done.
total white matter volume               = 442238 mm^3

table columns are:
    number of vertices
    total surface area (mm^2)
    total gray matter volume (mm^3)
    average cortical thickness +- standard deviation (mm)
    integrated rectified mean curvature
    integrated rectified Gaussian curvature
    folding index
    intrinsic curvature index
    structure name

111575  75355  185201  2.472 +- 0.836     0.190     0.061  1980.885  250.831  
** annotation 003c1400
  444    269    715  2.685 +- 0.637     0.110     0.021    1.601   0.402  ** 
annotation 00dc3c3c
  891    578   1588  2.777 +- 0.537     0.187     0.034   15.162   1.149  ** 
annotation 003c3c8c
  213    126    392  3.145 +- 0.924     0.152     0.034    2.943   0.297  ** 
annotation 003c6464
   82     40    152  3.785 +- 0.634     0.070     0.011    0.196   0.034  ** 
annotation 00b4648c
  567    334    906  2.723 +- 0.503     0.103     0.020    2.385   0.434  ** 
annotation 00b48c3c
 1093    709   2195  3.051 +- 0.793     0.206     0.078   20.688   3.225  ** 
annotation 003c643c
  240    139    311  2.247 +- 0.872     0.085     0.010    0.454   0.149  ** 
annotation 008c143c


mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -a acc.annot -f ./1000908.txt 1000908 lh white
INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes.
computing statistics for each annotation in acc.annot.
reading volume 
reading input surface 
INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_1614/nu_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
computing second fundamental form... ... done.
total white matter volume               = 442238 mm^3
mris_anatomical_stats: no color table loaded - cannot translate annot  file

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne

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