Hi Gabe,

What version of freesurfer are you using? The -autorecon-all, -autorecon1, and -i flags should work with a current version - but are relatively new. If you are using an older version these flags will not work.

Could you also send the specific command line and error message you are receiving. When reporting bugs it's really helpful if you included some pertinent information so we can better help you:


On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, Gabe Castillo wrote:

I am new to using freesurfer. I have installed it successfully and am attempting to go through the tutorial. The tutorial seems to be out of date. I am at the "Data Conversion" step of the tutorial with the tutorial_subjs directory from the gzipped buckner_data tarball. If I try to run "recon-all -i 014-anon/001.dcm -i 015-anon/001.dcm -s anon" it complains about the "-i" flag. It also complained about the "-autorecon-all" and "-autrecon1" flags. Looking through the usage output, I'm guessing that these have been replaced by "-all" and "-stage1" respectively. What has the "-i" flag been changed too. Forgive my ignorance, if anybody has a changelog or can point me to one, I'd be happy to dig around for this info.

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